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In addition to interacting with many little animals, you will contribute to the conservation of different species.

Sometimes traveling with children is exhausting, they are full of energy and when they travel to a place near the beach it seems they have solar cells that recharge and it’s impossible to calm them even at lunchtime. How about an experience that everyone enjoys as a family? Believe us it will be amazing for everyone.

An adventure between feathers, fauces, horns, scales and tails

If you are walking around the Riviera Maya, near Playa del Carmen or Cancun and want to give or get an experience that tests your capacity for wonder and empathy for nature, we recommend Croco Cun Zoo, it is an interactive and conservationist zoo. What does this mean? In addition to being able to interact with several species of local fauna, touching, carrying and feeding animals.

In addition, with your visit, you contribute to create empathy with the local natural environment, to its preservation and reproduction of protected local species to avoid extinction, as is the case of the crocodiles, the jaguar, the puma, the jaguarundi and the ocelot.

The tour lasts approximately one hour, during which you can have close contact with animals that you never imagined: parrots, deer, xoloitzcuintles, boas, spider monkeys and small crocodiles. This place can accelerate your heart as much as you want because you can also have your picture taken walking among large crocodiles, because they are so well cared for and fed that they allow visitors. Would you still dare?



Use the restrooms. Make sure that the whole family goes to the toilet to wash their hands and not have an emergency due to overhydration.

Drink water and eat something. Remember that the Riviera Maya is a hot place, so we recommend you take water with you and eat something light before you start, because, for the safety of the animals, taking food with you is not allowed until the tour is over.

Take care of the sun. Keep biodegradable insect repellent and sunscreen on hand, for the safety of the animals, since you will be in contact with them. Wear sunglasses and a hat or cap.

Have your bags, cameras or cell phones ready and secured. Animals are curious creatures and your personal objects could easily fall if you do not have them well attached to you.

Crocodriles zoo near Cancun


Listen carefully and follow your guides instructions. Do not leave the group or interact without first having the approval of your guide, the animals also have mood swings like us, the guide will tell you what is the correct way to interact with each species.

Keep your senses attentive. Many other species are part of this zoo, from insects to reptiles, but you can also appreciate the native vegetation such as orchids and other exotic plants typical of the tropical climate, so you must open your eyes and stay perceptive so that the adventure is more exciting.

Use your camera or cell phone carefully. To take pictures of your tour in this place, remember to keep a proper distance from the animal, do not use the flash on your camera or your cell phone because this damages the visión of and bothers some species.


Wash your hands perfectly. The animals of this place are healthy and well cared for, however, it is important that as soon as you finish the tour, you wash your hands perfectly to avoid any allergic reaction since the species are in contact with the nature that surrounds them.

Run to the cafeteria. Buy a coffee frappé, you have to try it! You can also eat crispy baguettes and fresh salads.

This place is located on the Cancún – Tulum Highway, on Km. 31, 77580 in Cancún, Quintana Roo, (Carretera Federal 307), very close to Puerto Morelos, a peaceful town in the Riviera Maya, where you can also do various outdoor activities, such as hiking through the mangrove, visiting the reef or taking bicycle rides, shopping or eating delicious local dishes.

For more information visit  Croco-Cun Interactive Zoo